Sunday, March 24, 2013

I Can Taste the Tension Like a Cloud of Smoke in the Air

March 23, 2013

Dear Mildred,

A couple of months ago I noticed that there was a shift in our friendship, a deadly one.  Now I'm not blaming you.  Well, not completely.  You see, I am an extremely busy person and some things are just more important than others.  These key things include my grades and my extracurricular activities.  These things are staples for a successful future, my future.  The importance of these can sometimes overshadow the importance of our friendship.  I understand that you're upset that I've been neglecting you.  But I am absolutely appalled that you think that I've been lying about my crazy schedule all this time.  I'm definitely not lying to you on purpose.  Trust me, I know better than that.

What happened many months ago was a huge slap in the face for me.  I tried so incredibly hard to fit in and get along with your group of friends.  It was the first time I was seeing this side of you.  I always knew it existed but I had never witnessed it.  You’re popular and at first I thought it was cool because I knew you were yourself around me.  Let’s face it; I’m the farthest from popularity so there was no need to impress me.  But when you’re with your other friends impressing them is the only thing you’re concerned about.  When one of your friends started bullying me and then the other completed excluded me from your little trio I was hurt.  Not because they were doing mean things; I’m not the type to worry about what others think about me unlike you.  It was because you never stood up for me.  You never apologized either.  All I could think about was why I was even friends with you in the first place.  You were always mad at me because you’re so clingy and I was only your second choice; never the first.   You don’t like my other friends and they don’t like you.  But the difference is, they at least pretended.  In the world we live in, that’s what you have to do to avoid any drama.  That’s why I’m so happy to have friends like them.  I don’t know why you’re jealous of them either.  I’d think you’d be happy that I have such true friends that have my back no matter what.  But I guess you’ve always known that loyalty isn’t your best trait.

I’m sorry to say that I don’t think you’ll ever change and even if you did, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive you for all of what you’ve put me through.  Again, I’m not blaming you completely.  But the majority of our issues are your entire fault. 

Like I always say, what goes around comes around.  So you better watch your back.  Lord knows your friends won’t have it.


My Sources:
The song, Domino by Jessie J, influenced my title.